- The Headquarters of the League shall be Great Baddow Millennium Community Centre, Baddow Road, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9RL
- The Management Committee shall meet at least once a month during the season.
Order of business shall be:- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Matters arising there from
- Report of any Emergency Committee
- Correspondence
- Breaches
- Officers Reports
- Other Business
NB Where notice of motions are intended to be introduced such will be inserted between items 4 & 5.
Members will only be advised of cancellations of meetings five members shall constitute a quorum.
- A member shall not, in any circumstances, be allowed to vote at any Management Committee Meeting on any matter relating to the Club of which he is a member. In the event of any dispute or protest the representatives of the Club concerned shall not be eligible to sit on the Management Committee while such dispute or protest is being considered.
- All matters shall be determined by a show of hands unless a formal division is demanded or, in the opinion of the meeting, it is desirable that the voting on any particular point or subject be conducted by a ballot. A resolution shall not be rescinded at the meeting of the Management Committee at which it is passed unless the motion to rescind is carried by three-quarters majority of the members present and voting.
- Whenever an amendment is made upon any motion a second amendment shall not be taken into consideration until the first amendment is disposed of. If that amendment is carried it shall then be put as a substantive motion upon which a further amendment may be moved. If the amendment is rejected a further amendment may be moved to the original motion, but only one amendment shall be submitted for discussion at one time.
- The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees when necessary and may delegate all or any of its powers to any such subcommittee as may be appointed.