This is will be a very different season and we would anticipate changes during the season as the Government change guidelines, so we all need to be as flexible as possible but staying within those Government and FA Guidelines.

Risk Assessments

Every Club and Pitch Provider should have COVID Risk Assessments in place. These will be different depending on the Pitch Provider. When confirming the fixture please ensure the away team is aware of the key points, these may include whether changing rooms are in use, car parking, Test & Trace etc. It is very IMPORTANT that away teams comply with the home teams Risk Assessments, failure to do this may result in venues not being able to be used.


Whilst we encourage hospitality to be provided this season it is entirely up to the home team whether or not this is provided. We are aware some Clubs will want to attract players into their bar so will provide food, others it won’t be possible due to the pub restrictions in place. Again when confirming fixtures the home team so confirm if hospitality will be offered and the away team should give an indication of how many people will be accepting the offer if made. This is important is we don’t want to see food going to waste. If food is offered the serving must comply with Government guidelines so it must be served as individual portions.

Referees, Kick Off Times

This season will be a major challenge for the Referee Appointment Secretaries. We will be having up to sixty games a week and only 72% of Referees have re-registered with the County FA. In addition to this no new Referee courses are being run.

There is a number of ways Clubs can help, if you know of any Referees who may assist with even the odd fixture please let Chris and Ryan know.  If you have more than one team playing at the same venue, can you agree split kick off times e.g. 1pm and 3pm, if you can agree to play midweek or Friday’s please let us know. All these things will help with Referee coverage. Chris and Ryan will remember the Clubs which have helped out and they are likely to be given Referees as a priority in future weeks.

If no Referee is appointed or the Referee fails to turn up Clubs have to agree on a Referee. If Clubs fail to agree on a Referee and the fixture is not played both Clubs will be charged with the likely outcome of the fixture being declared void.

Postponed Fixtures

If you fixture is postponed for any reason both the Fixture Secretary and Referee Appointment Secretary MUST be informed immediately. Up to and including Friday please use email.

If fixtures are postponed for any reason on Saturday’s then phone calls must be made to the following numbers:

Fixtures               07974 868758

Referees             01268 944066 (This is a virtual number so diverts to the person covering the role)

On Saturday’s we cannot stress the importance of a phone call being made as we may be able to reallocate the Referee to another fixture.

Help and Support during the Season.

All the League Officers are more than happy to help anyone during the season. We would rather people asked and we can help than we have to chase and/or fine people for not doing things or doing them wrongly. What would be appreciated is if the query can be directed to the correct officer or person as below:

Fixtures                           Steve Newlyn

Registrations                   Andy Piercy (Email contact only due to lack of mobile phone coverage)

Charge/Fine Notices       Eddie O’Neill

Referees                         Chris Crawford or Ryan Anderson (Email only Monday to Friday, Phone on Saturday)

County Cup Officer         Martin Berry (Email only Monday to Friday 8 am to 7pm, Phone can be used at other times)

Payments                        John Watts

Matters not Listed           Martin Berry (Email only Monday to Friday 8 am to 7pm, Phone can be used at other times)

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